New Experiment: Silly String

Random cubic bezier curves with a few pseudo 3D tricks thrown in.

Click on. Click off. More to come.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”600″ height=”600/]

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5 Responses to New Experiment: Silly String

  1. eme says:

    cool! nice effect & shapes.
    i like: 1.- the never speeding down 2.- the ability of a string group to move slightly and not spread away all over 3.- the blur (similar screensavers do not have it)

    i don’t like: 1.- the combination of colors. Sometimes is nice, sometimes not. is it totally random or you use kuler or something?

    keep on!

  2. kp says:

    it’s totally random. i never thought of using kuler for something like this. great idea.

  3. i really like it! It remember me some kind of candy’s i used to eat when i was kid!! heh

  4. Guirado says:

    Nice experiment, but it’s true, colors fails…

    Kuler rules 🙂 One colleague example:

  5. kp says:

    So I started playing around with Kuler a bit. From the web interface, it’s a real pain in the neck to get the color values into ActionScript. I had to copy all five of them, one by one. The Kuler desktop app lets you copy the lot all at once at least. Maybe I missed something on the web version.

    Also, though the combinations are nice, I feel a bit limited by five colors. What do you suggest if I want more colors? Start with the base 5 and vary them slightly?

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