An hour with Bill Gates

Wow. That was VERY cool.

So after the last presentation, we had a 20 minute break and then Bill came in. I actually started to get butterflies in my stomach in anticipation. I thought I was beyond that, but damn.

Just before he came in, they cleared a couple of seats right next to me, for Bill. So I wound up right next to him for the whole hour. He spoke for 10-15 minutes about some various subjects, mostly relating to the state of software and computing in the world, and where he thinks it is heading. Then we each got to ask him a question. I have to say, I was totally blown away by his answers. Microsoft may be the big corporation, the evil empire, etc. but the man is a visionary. I asked him about Flash and Silverlight and where he saw them going. I’m not sure what I expected, but his answer really impressed me. He’s also very humorous and had the room cracking up with some of his comments. We ended with a group photo. I guess we go back to the hotel for dinner. I have an early flight in the morning.

We should be getting the photo and a full transcript of the session with Bill some time tomorrow. I’ll post portions, or maybe the whole thing in the next few days.

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5 Responses to An hour with Bill Gates

  1. Thanks for the summary of the events Keith. I am looking forward to the transcript of the Q&A with Gates and anything you might be able to share from the meeting with Guthrie – hope you don’t have to redact to much. Also very interested in Surface if you have any more you can share about it. Safe travels!


  2. Say what anyone likes, there is the guy that defined the ‘computer age’. It is totally awesome you had that chance, good for you man!

  3. kp says:

    Robert, no redaction at all. We were given the thumbs up to live blog everything. People were even live blogging and twittering while Bill was talking. I’ll tell you, if this was designed to get us to think that MS is cool, it definitely worked.

    Robin, yeah man. I may not be a Microsoft fan boy, but yeah, meeting Bill was definitely a defining moment for me. I feel pretty honored.

  4. sascha/hdrs says:

    I’m looking forward to read the Flash/Silverlight answers! The chat with Bill sounds very cool! Imagine you had to talk with Steve Ballmer instead … errrrrm!! That guy has brass-***** and drinks liquid nitrogen for breakfast! >;)

  5. Xyster says:

    Really? Me is looking forward to read Bills answers, too! Definitely M$ is not cool at all and every geek that knows 😉

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