Live from Microsoft

Woke up this morning, went downstairs and met the 8 other bloggers who are here for Mix N’ Mash:

Kip Kniskern –
Molly Holzschlag –
Jesse Warden –
Jonathan Snook –
Kelly Goto –
Erik Natzke –
Julie Lerman –
Rob Howard –

Took a shuttle over to the Microsoft campus. We’re in the Microsoft Executive Briefing building. Got a buffet breakfast and did introductions. Then four of us went off to do the design track for a briefing about Expression, while the rest of us stayed here and are talking to Scott Guthrie who is a General Manager in the Microsoft Developer Division. Talking a lot about Silverlight. Lots of questions about mobile stuff. With just five of us, it is pretty intimate, lots of back and forth dialog rather than him just talking. He’s pretty cool, a down to earth guy. I’m the only Flash guy in the room, as Jesse and Erik went to the designer track.

Am I drinking the koolaid? Well, my interest in Silverlight is definitely coming up. I’ll probably give it another test run.

Not much else to report yet. About to end this session off and go into lunch.

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3 Responses to Live from Microsoft

  1. Tink says:

    What you have for lunch?

  2. kp says:

    Tink, leave it to you to ask the important questions! We had some kind of beef, with potatoes and string beans. 🙂 Quite good actually.

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