Going to Microsoft

No, not to work, just to visit.

I’ve been invited out to Redmond along with a “select group of community members” for a one day event called Mix N’ Mash. I guess they are going to brief us all on what’s going on in the Microsoft world of web applications, see what’s cooking up in Microsoft research labs, hear from a number of different teams, followed by an hour with Bill Gates himself. I’ve got to admit, I’m pretty psyched about that. Say what you want about MS and Windows (I’m full time on the Mac now myself), but I’ve always been impressed with what the guy has accomplished. I think it’s going to be a pretty intimate group – last year there were about 14 there I think, and we all get to ask Bill a question or two. Any serious suggestions are welcome (I can think up plenty of joke/insult questions myself, thanks).

Anyway, it’s another free trip, wining, dining, meet-up with the big man, and hopefully some cool schwag. It all happens Tuesday. I’m flying out Monday and there’s a reception cocktail hour or dinner or something Monday night. Looking forward to it all and will report back, something hopefully interesting. 🙂

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11 Responses to Going to Microsoft

  1. Phillip Kerman says:

    Wow sounds like fun… I’m jealous.

    Looks like Ryan Stewart went last year.

    Hmm… questions for Bill? My sister works there and I don’t think she has even met him. You could ask him how he thinks the whole “Flash/AIR vs. Silverlight/WPF” will play out.

  2. Hey Keith,

    That sounds like a blast! As much as I’d like to know what level he’s at on Guitar Hero III, I’d ask what he thinks the computer/internet landscape will evolve to in 500 years from now.

  3. Sam Robbins says:

    When will we buy Windows branded homes? Meaning the whole house is controlled through a system like the Microsoft Surface proof of concept. Lights, DVR, gaming, movies, music.

  4. Mr.doob says:

    Ack! got confused with a local club. 322 I meant 😀

  5. Michael says:

    Ask him when he’s going to give up on Silverlight and just buy Adobe 🙂

  6. (Beyond the technology aspects …) What are his personal thoughts on the OLPC initiative?

  7. What are his thoughts on convergence? … in terms of: movies and gaming … and also: multimedia across mobile devices and desktop.

  8. jon says:

    Sure, ask him if he thinks that compiled applets (do people still use that word?)–flash, java, silverlight, etc…–will continue to be part of the web ecosystem, or if native browser capabilities will make them unnecessary.

  9. Ryan says:

    Congrats Kieth! That should be an awesome experience. Now that he is getting into the medical field you should ask him what that nasty rash is that you have. no, seriously…

  10. Colby says:

    Yeah man, get that looked at already.

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