Free Flex Builder 2

As if the reduced pricing on Flex Builder 3, and the $99 upgrade wasn’t enough, now students and educational faculty can get Flex Builder 2, free of charge:

Well, not NOW now, but early November. Practically now. 🙂

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4 Responses to Free Flex Builder 2

  1. Francesco says:

    Adobe rocks ! being in ‘love’ with Flex, i had hard times pushing it in the academic area, but now with a free of charge state of the art IDE for doing Flex Apps…you can be sure that you will see lots of academic projects involving Flex 🙂

    Long live Flex

  2. Tink says:

    What about us end developer who earn a shit load of money from the tool!!!????

  3. kp says:

    Spend some of that money on the tool! 🙂

  4. adampasz says:

    I’m really glad they are *finally* doing this. I wish they had done it a year agThere has been a ton of interest from everyone I’ve shown Flex to at my University.

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