Prepping for MAX Chicago

Less than 48 hours to go til I fly out. It’s my first MAX, and at first I wasn’t very excited, as MAX never seemed very exciting to me in the past. But at this point, I have to admit, I’m fully sucked in by all the hype and rumored announcements, record attendance, etc. I’m very psyched to get out there and check out what’s going on. If just half the rumors I’ve heard are true, the stuff that’s announced there is going to blow the Flash Platform into a whole new level. I know that sounds like marketing hype, but I don’t work for Adobe and I gain nothing by hyping their products. There’s just some very, VERY cool stuff on the table right now. And by this time next week, you can judge for yourself how cool it is.

Anyway, I’m rolling into Chicago around noon on Sunday. I expect to see a lot of people Sunday night at whatever is going on, which I guess is the O’Reilly Ignite thing.

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One Response to Prepping for MAX Chicago

  1. Marie says:


    I’ve been looking at attending the “Flash on the beach” event down in Brighton and was wondering whether you would be able to give me a further insight into the kinds of ideas and talks that you will be taking.

    I’m a third year student studying web and new media; I’ve just started a new module where I intend on progressing my flash skills further, by attempting to produce some kind of motion graphic sequence incorporated in a new game or something new that hasn’t been attempted as of yet. It all seems very broad and vague, which it is, but as part of my module, I need to find out about “what’s new” in the flash era at the moment, what are people in the industry now starting to make, and so was wondering whether you would be able to give me an insight in to what “you” believe is up and coming, and what flash experts are now experimenting with?

    It would not only help my understanding of flash more, but would enable me as a student to get my work up to industry standard level.

    I’m sorry this email is very broad, but I would just basically like some kind of insight into what different new media professionals such as yourself believe students like me, should take flash, what should we be producing and why.

    I really hope to hear from you soon.
    Yours sincerely
    Marie Williams

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