Ted Patrick Rocks. \m/

I’m just sayin’.

So shut up, buy a copy of Flex Builder. Make some cool stuff. And go to MAX.

That is all.

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10 Responses to Ted Patrick Rocks. \m/

  1. kp says:

    OK, for background, Ted just dropped what he was doing (a week before this little “MAX” thing which he is entirely responsible for, and somewhat busy with…) and helped me straighten out a situation. Something that would have potentially taken a couple of days to resolve, he sorted out for me in 10 minutes.

    I just have to acknowledge it, because there have been several times when Ted has gone out of his way to do stuff like this, for both me and others. He deserves a big \m/

  2. John Grden says:

    I second that – Ted’s gets the classic “you’re the man” double rock on:

    \m/ _|_ \m/


  3. Phillip Kerman says:

    Yes, Ted is an asset to us–perhaps even more so while inside Adobe. Maybe less so… who knows? But since he’s so active and positive and helpful and so on… it’s still a lot.

    Maybe we could turn this into a Ted appreciation thread. Seriously, I’ll bet a lot of us can make a list “things we like about Ted”.

  4. simonconlin says:

    “things we like about Ted”. # 127

    Ted’s hair – silver / white gold / platinum mix
    (I styled my own grey hair after him)

    “things we like about Ted”. # 75
    Ted’s ability to hold two drinks and dance at the same time
    ‘cat-like balance’

    “things we like about Ted”. # 22
    Ted’s ability to be at 3 conference’s at once
    in 3 different time zones

    [add your own]

  5. Marty Pitt says:

    When Ted Patrick does push-ups, he doesn’t push himself up — he pushes the earth down!

  6. kp says:

    Is Ted the new Chuck Norris???

    Ted Patrick’s tears can cure cancer. Unfortunately, Ted Patrick never cries!

  7. polyGeek says:

    You want to know how amazing Ted is? Go to TED.com. It’s a site with videos of the worlds preeminent scholars, artists, and humanitarians all sharing their thoughts. And it’s all dedicated to the man they named their site after.

  8. Chris Allen says:

    I could not agree more. Ted is the man! He’s an honest straight shooter that will tell you point blank what he thinks. He is an out of the box thinker, plus he’s a really nice guy. Ted is truly an asset to Adobe and the Flash community in general.\

    Go Ted!

  9. simonconlin says:

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