Get John Grden a Mac!

Do you use Papervision 3D? X-Ray? Red5? Open Source Flash in general? Do you love Flash and Rock and Roll? Do you \m/ ?

What do all these things have in common? John Grden. Think of this kind of like a VH1 “Behind the Flash” special. John is down in the dumps. Once on top of the Flash world, he succumbed to the wild life of a Flash celebrity. The alcohol, wild parties, drugs, loose women, trashed hotel rooms. Finally the arrests, rehabs, sex tapes, paternity suits. We found John homeless in the gutter, trying to install Silverlight on an old beat up Dell.

There’s only one thing that can save him now, a new Mac Book Pro. Do your part to bring John back!

OK, I’m being a bit dramatic. John is fine, but really wants a Mac like the rest of the cool kids. But apparently it’s not in the budget. So come on, this guy has done so much for the Flash community. It’s impossible to list all the projects he’s contributed to. And most of them are free and open source. He could easily turn his talents towards more commercial ventures, but I’ve seen his reaction when someone offered to pay him for an open source project he was working on. That’s not his goal for Flash. He does it because he loves it. Something I’m definitely in line with.

The thing is, he actually is working on an old beat up Dell. He’s been talking to me and Tink and others about switching to a Mac and we got him all fired up. So give back to John, and help him get his dream machine!

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2 Responses to Get John Grden a Mac!

  1. nick velloff says:

    I have used many of these various open source projects. Email me personally and let me know where to contribute. I appeeiciate all of those efforts.

  2. Ryan says:

    I love the internet! Ask and you somehow get, it’s amazing. I hadn’t been to Mr graden’s site before, but now I can see why people woud want to give him money. I would, but having just graduated from University, funds are low.

    Been lurking round your site for a few weeks now, very impressive stuff.

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