Cool App: TUN3R

Another one of those “why didn’t I think of that?” moments. 🙂

[EDIT]OK, OK, this is not a Flash App. I could have sworn I right clicked and saw a Flash menu. I’m hallucinating. Still a cool app though. :)[/EDIT]

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5 Responses to Cool App: TUN3R

  1. Ypmits says:

    Is that Flash? It looks like DHTML to me 🙂

  2. kp says:

    Gah. you are right. I just assume everything is Flash. 🙂

  3. The pause/play button is flash. So technically…

  4. Phillip Kerman says:

    Yeah, I think the audio is Flash… good interface.

  5. aw says:

    ho, 22+29 is really a bit tough for me -_- …
    okay, I have got this place :

    lol, this is a reader from China.

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