I won an Emmy!

No lie.

A while back I posted about the Cyberchase Inventor’s Workshop I did all the ActionScript programming for. Cyberchase is a kids educational show on PBS, and I did the work for Thirteen.

Well, turns out some aspect of the whole “My Big Idea” site, of which the Inventor’s Workshop is a part, just won an Emmy for “Outstanding Broadband Program – Children’s”

I won’t get a little statue, but I will get some kind of certificate with my name on it. Pretty neat!

Here’s the press release here. The category is way down the bottom and my name’s not on it, so don’t bother clicking it unless you are some kind of deranged BIT-101 fan. 🙂


OK, Cannes, done. Emmy, done. Now, onto my Oscar and Grammy…

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8 Responses to I won an Emmy!

  1. Dave Gillem says:

    Thats bad ass Keith, congrats!

  2. Phillip Kerman says:

    for sure, very cool.

  3. rob says:

    Congrats Keith! We were recently nominated for an Interactive Emmy… unfortunately we were up against BBCi – needless to say we didn’t take it home. And I was really looking forward to thanking God, Jesus, the Academy…

  4. Dominic says:

    I couldnt find your name sadly, there goes my day aha!
    Congrats nonetheless

  5. David says:

    Hey Congratulations thats really cool Keith …. ; )

  6. Gilbert says:

    That’s great. Congratulations Keith…go for the Oscar, but leave the Grammy to John G.

  7. John Grden says:

    “..and my family, I couldn’t have done it without you!! And I’d like to thank Keith Peters for not going for the Grammy this time around and making this a reality for me”


    I can just see it now.

    Congrats man! Flash is mainstream now baby!!

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