Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes

If you’re not from the UK, you may not know about Guy Fawkes. Wikipedia says that he tried “to assassinate the Protestant King James I (James VI of Scotland) and the members of both houses of the Parliament of England, by blowing up Westminster Palace during the formal opening session of the 1605 Parliament.” Nowadays he would be labeled a “terrorist” or maybe even an “enemy combatant”. But somehow he would up being a sort of folk hero from what I can tell. November 5 is now Guy Fawkes Day, and is celebrated with fireworks, much like the 4th of July in the US.

So, why the hell am I writing about this???

Well, if you are smart, on November 5, 2007, you’ll be in Brighton, UK. On the Beach. Watching the fireworks. With all the cool Flash people. At Flash on the Beach, probably the first Flash conference to have fireworks, but I’d have to verify that.

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8 Responses to Guy Fawkes Day

  1. Danny says:

    Remember, remember, the 5th of November
    Gunpowder, treason, and plot
    I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
    Should ever be forgot

  2. Don says:

    remember, remember the 5th of November

  3. pete says:

    … and if the weather is as good as it was for FOTB last year, we’ll have to arrange for a picnic while we watch 😉

    – Pete

  4. Kelvin Luck says:

    I reckon you should take the 20 minute train journey from Brighton to Lewes where they have some crazy fireworks celebrations – well worth a look…

  5. John Grden says:

    He definitely looks like the lead guitarist type. You know, Chris Mill’s has that same length goatee – I’m just sayin…

  6. Miles says:

    I wouldn’t consider Guy Fawkes a hero. Part of the celebrations involve getting the kids to build an effigy of Guy and then burning it on a bonfire. Which, now that I stop to think about it, seems a little sinister…

  7. 2nd*man says:

    Something that isn’t mentioned in the history books and is something that should never, never be forgot. Is that in 1906 word had been heard that King James was rewriting the bible for the benifit for control over Britain and of future souls.

    Nobody today sees this as a great crime or an act of treason against the human race. Royalty and the rich have used this evil book to confuse and manipulate millions.

    Down with James and praise to Guido for trying to save us from the blood shed of the modern day crusades!

    In future, let’s put the king on the fire and while the sky explodes in colour, let us admire Fawks, the everyday man, who stood up and fort against these filthy tyrants and dictators.

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