Avid Readers

OK, yesterday I ran across this photo via a comment on John Grden’s blog

Now, I thought that was pretty cool, that a guy liked my book so much that he took a photo of it and put it on his flickr page. A little … odd… maybe, but still, pretty cool.

When I mentioned it to Pete Aylward at Friends of ED, he showed me something that just took the cake. I’ll just show you…

Now, realize that this is not one of the authors of the book. This is just some guy who apparently likes the book so much that he took two and a half minute movie of it and posted it on YouTube. Now, I’m all for fan adoration and all that. I eat it up. But this is almost creepy, especially when he zooms in on the author pics. It has bad serial killer b-movie plot written all over it. Anyway, I’m probably reading way to much into it, but all the same, I’m glad that’s not my book he’s fondling on camera. 🙂

Then again, I’ve sat in a conference keynote and taken photos of every single screen of an Apollo talk. I can imagine Mike Chambers thinking the same thing about me. 🙂

[Edit]I hope this post didn’t come off sounding too mean, like I’m saying people who read and appreciate books are psychos or something! I have tons of odd photos on flickr – of books, cds, rubber arrows, etc. I’m sure they’d look odd out of context. Same goes for the video – for all I know, that piece could have been used in some presentation or book review to show the book he was talking about. But seen by itself, it gave me a little laugh. Now I’m waiting for John Grden to do a Papervision 3D model of my book… 🙂 [/Edit]

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8 Responses to Avid Readers

  1. tyard says:

    I like the irony of using a “Making Things Move” book in order to keep something from moving (at least that’s what it looks like to me, if you didn’t know the context — I’m not implying your book is a paperweight, Keith 🙂 )

  2. Aghhh that’s mine tho! Keith, if I dissappear randomly in the next few weeks I am not planning any vacations so please contact the UK police 😉 Nah the guy that took the vid is Luciano Ayres, a very cool fellow Flash Liter, he has some other videos showing some Flash Lite games, I think it’s great that we can use YouTube to document things so easily, sign of the times.

  3. kp says:

    Yeah, Richard. I actually felt a bit bad after I posted that. I don’t mean to poke fun at our readers, especially the ones who really appreciate the books. It just seemed really funny out of context. 🙂

  4. Steve says:

    I’ve ordered you’re book about 3 days ago, I’m looking forward to it!

    I am curious though, what AS3 editor do you prefer? Flex 2.0? I hear FDT3 is pretty much the best, but I’d love to hear your take on that.

  5. kp says:

    I use Flex Builder 2 for writing code now, but I used FlashDevelop for a long time, and it’s a great editor, particularly for starting out. I don’t think FDT with AS3 support is out yet.

  6. Hehe! Guilty as charged! 🙂 ROCK ON Keith! Keep up the brilliant work!

  7. sascha/hdrs says:

    Uhm I got the AS2.0 version so I’m curious … how is this book compared to it’s AS2 counterpart? Anything new in it that makes it worth buying anyway or is it basically a rewriting in AS3 form?

  8. kp says:

    Well, of course I’m going to say it’s worth buying! But to answer the question, the same basic subjects are covered for the most part, but it’s 100% AS3. If you have the first version, understand AS3, and are comfortable converting AS2 to AS3, you should be all set.

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