BIT-101 [2017-2023]

2022 in Review

I’ll keep this light this year. Professionally, a strange and difficult year. But at least I still have a job, so I’m grateful for that.

Beyond the job though, I did do some fun coding projects.

Probably the biggest was my raytracing journey. I’ve never been super interested in that kind of photo-realistic rendering from an artistic viewpoint. But working through the books and creating the renderer itself was the most fun I’ve had coding in ages. Of course, once it was sufficiently “complete”, I kind of lost interest in it. It didn’t really change the basic fact that 3D stuff is not what I’m really interested in creatively. That said, I’ll probably play with it some more in the future. My original thinking was to do some kind of generative stuff that could then be rendered in 3D. But “generative” fairly often means lots of individually created units interacting in some way – at least the way I usually do generative. so it can get expensive rendering hundreds or thousands of objects. I might need to look more into optimizing the engine – I skipped that chapter in the book!

Other than that, I created a few vim plugins. One of which, <a href="">bufkill</a>, I use on a regular basis and really love. I made a few others, but none that were really worth talking about too much. During my plugin-writing phase, I also did a lot of upgrading of my neovim setup, switching my whole config to use Lua, and dropping Conquer of Completion in favor of neovim’s built-in LSP system for completion and syntax checking. That was a lot of work, but I’m happy with the result.

And of course, I started the Coding Curves series, which I’m still really excited about. As I said in the initial post, this was a book that I’ve wanted to write for years. I finally came to the conclusion that I was not going to sit down and write it from start to finish, but writing each chapter as a blog post was way more doable. I banged out ten “chapters” so far and they’ve been pretty well received. I’m taking a short break, but will be back to do the rest before too long. Most of what’s left I already have lots of code and examples written for, and a lot of the explanations are kind of half written in my head already.

I haven’t put out a lot of creative-code artwork this year, but in the last few weeks I’ve been working hard to upgrade my personal code libraries. I currently use a couple of libraries of my own in every creative coding project I do: blcairo which is the drawing api with a ton of custom rendering routines, and bitlib which has math, geometry, color, a PRNG, noise, and other various utilities I use all the time. I love this library and I’ve added a lot to it in recent months.

Oh, and I quit Twitter. I fully deleted my account and set up a new private account with the old user name just to keep anyone from taking it over and impersonating me. It was tough to walk away from 8,000 followers, but every time I see the toxic mess that the platform has become, I have zero regrets. Find me now at I remain very happy with Mastodon.

Plans for 2023

There are a few things I want to do in the new year.

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