BIT-101 [2017-2023]

AweGif 2021

For the month of August 2021, I’m going to try to post an original animated gif on twitter every day of the month. I’ll be tagging them #awegif2021. I invite anyone to join along.

I’ve done this twice before. And the cool thing is that all the entries are easily searchable in twitter.

In May of 2018 we did #MayContainGifs

And in July of 2018 we did #GulyIsForJifs

Here are the rules:

  1. Post an animated gif to twitter (or wherever else, really) and tag it with #awegif2021
  2. Do it every day, or whenever you want. If you only do one all month, that's fine.
  3. Use whatever you want to make the gifs. Custom code, some software package, we don't care, as long as it's something you actually created yourself.
  4. If you want to create a bunch over the weekend and post them throughout the week, that's fine. Post something you created last year, we don't care.

Follow along with the entries here:

That’s all. Looking forward to what people create!

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