Looks like I'll be learning Python

As mentioned previously, I’ll be taking Intro to Computer Science starting later this month. I’ve joked a bit about it, but I was actually looking forward to it. Today I was at the college bookstore to see if I could get the book for that class. Although it wasn’t in yet, the book listed is for Python programming. Now I’m really looking forward to it. I made a quick foray into Python a while back, but had too much other stuff going to get too far with it. Of course, I’m sure I’d learn more going through the O’Reilly Learning Python book I have on my shelf. But then again, it’s been sitting on my shelf for a year. Now I’ll have the impetus to actually learn it.

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5 Responses to Looks like I'll be learning Python

  1. Kristin says:

    I’m in a similar boat. I’ve had that book on my shelf since this summer 🙂 Things got too busy for me to dig in, though.

  2. Josh Tynjala says:

    It’s not very often that you see an intro CS class working with something other than Java or C++. Makes me wonder about what other oddities you might encounter there.

  3. Eduardo says:

    Well, your comments about Python are welcome, because I really don’t know that language at all.

  4. Hrundik says:

    Python really worths studying!
    It’s pretty easy to start and very powerful if you need to do something serious with it. It has a superb community and a very good documentation.

    Good luck 🙂

  5. Hrundik says:

    Python really worths studying!
    It’s pretty easy to start and very powerful if you need to do something serious with it. It has a superb community and a very good documentation.

    Good luck 🙂

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