Source Control, finally

Well, I finally got around to installing Subversion and setting up some source control for my personal projects. The company I work for uses SourceGear Vault, so it’s not like I’m a total newbie to source control concepts. But it took sitting down and digging in and figuring out how to install svn locally and work it into my daily routine for my own projects. Did that over the holiday break and now I’m ready to roll.

Back in December I set up a whole backup system that automatically does backups, some offsite via ftp, and some to another networked drive. HandyBackup is an awesome program for this purpose. I highly recommend it.

Feels good knowing I could boot my laptop out the window into the path of a speeding truck and not lose more than a day’s work!

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5 Responses to Source Control, finally

  1. Critter says:

    handy backup is a /great/ program, but their customer support sucks. i had purchased version 4 /right/ before they released v5, and my key would not work.. the /never/ replied to any of my emails..

  2. Tim says:

    Hi Keith,

    Great Product to use. Thanks for the tip.

    By the way, I saw your posting on about AS8 architecturing.

    “I?ve done quite a bit of work with ARP, and have recently dived into Cairngorm as well. At my company, I?m creating a framework that uses the best of both, and some changes to both, driven by the particular needs of our project. I?d say it?s closer to Cairngorm, but is for straight Flash 8, AS2.”

    I also posted in that forum asking for Flex2 architecture. As a matter of fact, I am working on a project in flash8 that will eventually be migrated to flex2 and would be interested in seeing how your Flash8 architecture works. If you have time, would it be possible for you to send me a copy of how you’ve designed your architecture.



  3. karl says:

    The best/only tutorial I’ve seen for setting up subversion and tortiseSVN for flash projects…

  4. Keith Peters says:

    Thanks Karl, I’d seen that one a while ago and couldn’t remember where.

    Critter, sorry about your handybackup experience. I did notice that the latest version is from 2003. That’s kind of scary. Luckily, I’ve had no problems and am very happy with it.

  5. julien says:

    Hi Keith,

    Is SVN really usefull for daily production ?
    I’d also like to set ip up at work to improve the workflow…

    About backup software, i’ve been using SyncbackSE from
    There’s a freeware (not for commercial use)version that’s quite nice.(

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