Well, I just finished my first semester of college, 20+ years late. I took College Writing I, and got an A, and College Algebra, which I just did the final exam for, but I’m certain I got an A in that too. Not bad.
Kind of fun going back after all these years, with a new perspective and reason for learning. I’m signed up for next semester in Pre-Calculus, College Writing II and … wait for it … Intro to Computer Science! I’m sure that will be pretty easy, but I also totally expect to learn something. I’ll take some easy stuff over the summer, and next fall I’ll get to dive into C++ and Calculus. Exciting!
Congrats Keith,
Are you throwing a sick end of the semister kegger?
Sorry Colby, you’ll have to figure out another way to get free beer this week. 🙂
Congrats. I’ve been doing what you’re doing for the last two years now.
One thing to consider though, if you are already familiar with some of the subjects you intend to take, why not just test out of them? You might not save money (since the school is likely to make you pay for those credits you test out of anyway), but you’ll speed up the process.
Happy holidays and good luck with next semester.
I’ve often looked back at college and thought if I knew then what I know now…Guess we’ve all thought that from time to time. Keep up the good work and enjoy it!