Backtrack Time – Coding Math

So, a few days ago, I announced that all future Coding Math episodes would be released on

The first one was released there, and it turns out that this arrangement is not going to work out the way I hoped it would. Let me say at the outset that there is no problem between myself and the company. I’ll continue to produce videos for them. But I thought that moving the Coding Math stuff over there would be a simple matter of uploading it and publishing it there. And that’s not the case. Naturally, has a brand and certain standards and style guidelines necessary for keeping consistency when dealing with so many different instructors. Actually, it’s not so much of a “style” as a stripped-down, “just the facts” concept, which is great. I wholeheartedly agree with that concept. But the Coding Math videos, as-is, break too many rules and would have to undergo surgery on a video-by-video basis in order to fit in to that universe. Also note that was not refusing to publish them. They were very accommodating, even offering help in terms of manpower to do that editing.

In the end though, after a night and day of soul-searching, I have decided to keep the Coding Math “brand”, such as it is, independent. This decision makes absolutely no sense financially. I’m walking away from lots of easy money. But Coding Math has always been more of a labor of love than a money-making operation. So for better or worse, the channel will now live on as-is, YouTube only, Patreon supported, assuming not too many of you have jumped ship.

On a related note, I would like to do more in the sphere of teaching. I’d like to gauge the interest in a live “Coding Math” or “Making Things Move” course. A one- or two-day, in-person course held somewhere in the Boston area. If successful, maybe occasional road shows. Or possibly a live on-line course, or (though I despise the term) “webinar”. Are these things that people would be interested in? What would such a course be worth to you? If anyone has any experience, resources or contacts in any of those areas, let me know.

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5 Responses to Backtrack Time – Coding Math

  1. Clark says:

    Hey Keith,

    Been a fan for a while, I actually ended up here because I was just leafing through an old AS2 book of yours on making things move, and applying it to Canvas. Wondered what you were doing these days so came here.

    It isn’t very helpful, but you do remain one of the best teachers, I just like your style either from your math series or just your writing style (such as this old book). Would you ever consider being some kind of cool part time lecturer at a local uni etc?

    Anyway, not quite what you were asking, I stick with books, but I just thought that would be kind of relaxing.

    • keith says:

      Thanks Clark. Yes, I’d love to do exactly that kind of thing – teaching code to kids (or anyone) who is eager to learn it. I should dig up some contacts and see what I can get going.

  2. Terkel says:

    Keep up the amazing work Keith. You’re a super good teaching, and I’m glad to hear that you’ll do more in the sphere of teaching in the future. Thanks!

  3. Hello – I’m a fan of Chris Mather’s website ‘’. He has somewhere between 50 and 100 courses there – javascript, AWS, SSH, react, etc. Access via subscription. He’s stopped putting new content on the site; he is interested in trying to move to math content. A brilliant guy (was early Meteor adapter, wrote iron-router) you and he might be birds of a feather? Check out his site and think about getting in touch with him. (now watch, you 2 are already best friends!).


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