Quicksettings.js 1.3

Did a bit of work on Quicksettings.js recently. Mostly based on some features suggested in issues and pull requests. A quick summary:

1. A few new controls:

  •  addNumber. Basically the same as addRange, but displayed as a numeric text field with up and down buttons. Actual render may differ per browser / platform.
  •  addDate. Where supported, will show a date field with a button to click that shows some kind of date picker. In Chrome you get an actual calendar. In some implementations, it’s just a text field. Input and output are both strings in the form “YYYY-MM-DD”.
  •  addTime. Like date, but for time. String format “HH:MM” or “HH:MM:SS”. 24 hour time.
  •  addPassword. Basically, addText, but text is hidden as asterisks, dots, or whatever the platform does with it.

All of those have corresponding bind, set and get methods as well.

2. Method chaining. Great suggestion. Now, all methods that do not actively return some value will return a reference to the panel itself. So you can do stuff like:

var panel = QuickSettings.create(10, 10, "Panel")
.addRange("x", 0, 100, 50, 1)
.addRange("y", 0, 100, 50, 1)
.addRange("w", 0, 100, 50, 1)
.addRange("h", 0, 100, 50, 1)

That makes me really happy.

Here’s a master demo showing all the controls: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/bit101/quicksettings/blob/master/demos/master_demo.html

And all the code that creates that demo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bit101/quicksettings/master/demos/masterdemo.js

When you figure that almost a quarter of that code is for making a canvas and drawing a circle in it, and the rest creates everything else on the page, that’s not bad.

You can check it out, download it from here, or just use the cdn links:


Don’t forget to add one of the styles:

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