Category Archives: Flash

Good bye 2010

As usual, it’s time to make my year end post. I’ll keep it relatively brief. A few changes this year. This spring, I got kind of fed up with Apple, their control-happy policies, and the general direction they are heading. … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, General, iPhone, Objective C, Silverlight, Technology, Windows Phone 7 | 8 Comments

What is Flash?

This weekend I was at FITC Edmonton, where I presented my Programming Art session for the last time. I’ll be working on something new for next year. It was a fun conference. Very relaxed, and for the first time ever, … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, Technology | 43 Comments

MinimalComps 0.9.6

It’s been a while, but I finally got around to doing some work on MinimalComps. I went through all the issues that people had entered in Google Code. Some were older and already handled. Some were requests for new features, … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 9 Comments

On the “death” of Silverlight

This week, Microsoft announced their changing strategy regarding Silverlight. You can read more about that here: [Edit: 10/01/2010] Note, this post just came out today, which clarifies things a lot. [/Edit] The key points are that going forward, … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, Silverlight, Technology | 63 Comments

Apple Crumbles on 3rd Party Tools

This just in, though the Twitterverse probably makes this old news already… Apple has just announced that it is “relaxing all restrictions on the development tools used to create iOS apps”. In other words, it looks like the Flash CS5 … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, iPhone | 26 Comments

AS3 Sound Synthesis IV – Tone Class

In order to make the code so far a little more reusable, I moved it over into its own class, called Tone. I also implemented some optimizations and other little tricks. The most important is that instead of calculating the … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash | 21 Comments

AS3 Sound Synthesis III – Visualization and Envelopes

In Part I and Part II of this series, we learned how to utilize the Sound object to synthesize sound, and how to create sounds of various frequencies. This post will just be a quick detour onto a couple of … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash | 13 Comments

AS3 Sound Synthesis II – Waves

This post will show you how to generate sine waves for specific frequencies using the AS3 Sound object. It assumes you have read, or are familiar with the data in Part I of this series. Basics of Sound Sound itself … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash | 13 Comments

Sound Synthesis in AS3 Part I – The Basics, Noise

I’ve been meaning to write something up on this for quite a while. It recently struck me that there still wasn’t a whole lot of good material on this out there already. So I figured I’d throw something together. We’ll … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash | 7 Comments

Scientific American

In the June 2010 issue of Scientific American, on page 58, there is an article entitled, “Is Time an Illusion?” by Craig Callender. You can see it here: The large artwork on the first and last pages of the story, … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash | 20 Comments