Category Archives: Flash

Flash and Me

Today I tweeted a link to another stupid linkbait article proclaiming that Flash is dead. Of course, this set off a huge flurry of tweets about whether or not Flash is still breathing. And it made me realize that I … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash | 90 Comments


Doing some Android dev these days. Needed to check if a editable text field was empty or not. I had to dig around to find out how to do this. It turns out that an EditText’s getText() method returns an … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash, iPhone | 37 Comments

Ubuntu and Me, Happy Together.

I tweeted today about this being my second full day on Ubuntu and it a bunch of responses from people wanting to know how I did this or that, what my experience was, etc. So here’s the story. For a … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, General, Technology | 34 Comments

More MinimalComps updates

A couple of things today. First is on adding content to Windows and Panels. By default, if you added a child to one of these, it would just add it like any other child, positioning it from the top left … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 2 Comments

MinimalComps Google Group

As suggested by Vic C, I’ve set up a Google Group for MinimalComps. Discuss, request, share.

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 1 Comment


Just added a new feature, as suggested by Karim in the previous post. This saves a hash of all components that have id attributes, and then allows you to find any component by its id. Here’s an example: [code lang=”as3″]package … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 4 Comments

MinimalComps Updates: Dark Style, HBox & VBox alignment

A couple of updates to MinimalComps. First, go over to soulwire and check out the great GUI tool created there. One thing that struck me about it was the dark colors on the components. I liked it and set out … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 10 Comments

SWFSheet Version 1.1 beta

It snowed here in Boston on Wednesday. Enough that I didn’t make it out of the house. Or at least not out of the driveway with shovel in hand. So, with a day off, I worked on adding features to … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, General | 70 Comments

SWFSheet coming features

[EDIT: Just released a beta of SWFSheet 1.1 here:] The response to SWFSheet has been overwhelming. I guess I wasn’t the only one who found such a tool useful. I’m going to release a new version with some updates … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, General | 3 Comments

SWFSheet – create sprite sheets from SWFs

[EDIT: Just released a beta of SWFSheet 1.1 here:] [EDIT: Version 1.1 final released:] SWFSheet is a program I created in most of a day back in late December. I finally polished it up this week and it’s … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, General, iPhone, Objective C, Silverlight, Technology, Windows Phone 7 | 56 Comments