Category Archives: Components


Just added a new feature, as suggested by Karim in the previous post. This saves a hash of all components that have id attributes, and then allows you to find any component by its id. Here’s an example: [code lang=”as3″]package … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 4 Comments

MinimalComps Updates: Dark Style, HBox & VBox alignment

A couple of updates to MinimalComps. First, go over to soulwire and check out the great GUI tool created there. One thing that struck me about it was the dark colors on the components. I liked it and set out … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 10 Comments

Introducing MinimalConfigurator

This is a concept I’ve had for a while, and last week started to implement it. It wound up being orders of magnitude simpler than I imagined. The core part of it was done days ago. I cleaned things up … Continue reading

Posted in Components | 19 Comments

Using MinimalComps’ Scrollbar

The scrollbar component in minimalcomps was never really meant to be used as a standalone component. This is not to say that it can’t be, it’s just that the interface doesn’t really have the same simplicity and ease of use … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components | 6 Comments

MinimalComps 0.9.6

It’s been a while, but I finally got around to doing some work on MinimalComps. I went through all the issues that people had entered in Google Code. Some were older and already handled. Some were requests for new features, … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 9 Comments

A few MinimalComp updates

Addressed all reported bugs and added a few graphical goodies. [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” width=”420″ height=”320″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed] First is grids. The Panel now has a few new properties. Panel.showGrid turns on or off a grid drawn in the background. … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components, Flash | 15 Comments

MinimalComps: New SWC, zipped source, updated site

Backlogged on this, but I got the new SWC and zipped source uploaded, including the new RangeSlider component (HRangeSlider and VRangeSlider, actually). Has a bunch of other bug fixes in there as well. Also updated the site, as it had … Continue reading

Posted in Components | 5 Comments

MinimalComps: RangeSlider

I know I’m supposed to stop making new components and clean things up for 1.0, but this got in my head and I had to bang it out. It’s basically a slider with two handles. You get a lowValue and … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components | 8 Comments

Minimal NumericStepper

I wasn’t planning on doing this before 1.0, but I needed one and put a couple of buttons and an input text together for the project I’m doing. Then I needed another one elsewhere in the project. So I extracted … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Components | 11 Comments

Custom List Items for MinimalComps List and ComboBox

I checked in some changes to List and ComboBox that allow you to create custom list items. Here’s an example: [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” width=”250″ height=”200″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed] This is enabled through the listItemClass property on List and ComboBox. In … Continue reading

Posted in Components, Flash | 9 Comments