Category Archives: Brevity

iPhone App Launch Sequence

I was going over the stuff I’m going to cover next week in my “From Flash to iPhone” workshop at Flash on Tap, and I started getting into how an iPhone app launches when you tap its icon. It might … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity, Extensibility, iPhone, Objective C | 7 Comments


Sorry to all of you who showed up at the <head> conference to watch my presentation. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but we just couldn’t keep the sound up. The microphone kept cutting out. I tried two different microphones … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity, Conferences | 4 Comments

Preloaders in AS3

[Note, although this post is right now over a year and a half old, it continues to be one of the most visited pages on my site. If you are just showing up here now, you should note that the … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity, Flash | 93 Comments

Brevity and Flash 9 AS3 Preview

Cool new feature of Flash Professional 9 ActionScript 3 Preview: Document Class. Install Flash 9 Preview, create a new document, and in the Properties Panel, you’ll see a new field, “Document Class”. You can enter the name of an AS3 … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity | 4 Comments

Brevity SVN Repository Live Hosted by OSFlash. Thanks Aral. Now you can get my latest bugs without waiting for the next release!

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Brevity Alpha 1 Released Go get it! I almost feel like I should apologize here. While it’s pretty cool so far, in my mind it is still just a pale proof of concept to what I envision Brevity could become. But I’ve been … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity | 2 Comments

Brevity Mailing List

I’m still picking away at Brevity when I can find the time, and it is getting very cool, if I do say so myself. Aral has set up a mailing list and SVN repository at OSFlash. You can sign up … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity | 1 Comment

Brevity News and Sample

Brevity is not dead. Some setbacks with lack of a pc lately. Getting used to the Mac, but it’s still slower for me. Still looking for some py2app help, if anyone knows it well.

Posted in Brevity | 7 Comments

Anyone know py2app really well?

Want to help on a cool open source application? I’ve been plugging away at Brevity. I have it working pretty damn well on the pc, both in native Python, and compiled into an .exe with py2exe. I also have it … Continue reading

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Brevity Mac update

So, as mentioned, my poor Toshiba is in the hospital. So for the last 6 days, 22 hours and 47 minutes, I’ve been confined to my Mac Mini. It could be another week or more, so I’ve settled down and … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity | 3 Comments