Category Archives: Objective C

Dot Notation or Square Brackets?

In Objective-C, you call methods with square brackets. Instead of: [c]myObject.myMethod();[/c] it’s: [c][myObject myMethod];[/c] Instead of: [c]myObject.myMethod(argument);[/c] it’s: [c][myObject myMethod:argument];[/c] Bizarre at first to many, but it really does grow on you. Especially with multiple arguments, it’s like having named … Continue reading

Posted in Objective C | 18 Comments

Bug Out! Submitted to App Store

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 14 Comments

Bug Out! New iPhone Game Coming Soon!

Almost done. Hope to submit this weekend, along with a whole lot of other stuff I have to do. But figured I’d start getting the “buzz” out now. 🙂

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 9 Comments

TextExpander and XCode (and Pragmatic Screencasts)

I installed TextExpander a few weeks back and have been slowly building up some cool snippets. One thing I often want to do is log something. An object, an int or float, or a point or rectangle. The object and … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 1 Comment

An NSObject is an NSObject… or is it?

Just got tripped up here. Was doing some runtime type checking… if an instance is this class, do this, if it’s this class, do this. A bit hacky, may clean it up later, but anyway… I was using something like: … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 5 Comments

Accelerometer in Simulator

I had a vague awareness that things like this were out there, but finally went ahead and tried this one. Works great. Basically, you check out this XCode project, fix it up so you can provision it to your … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 1 Comment

Thoughts on Game Architecture

I’ve made a few games in my time. And made various parts of a few other games for other people. Most of the games that I’ve worked on have been pretty simple, but recently I’ve been working on some more … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, General, iPhone, Objective C | 41 Comments

Flash on Tap Workshop Slides and Code

If you attended my “From Flash to iPhone” workshop at Flash on Tap last week (has it been a whole week already???), I’m finally getting around to putting up the slides and code I promised. If you didn’t attend the … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 6 Comments

iPhone App Launch Sequence

I was going over the stuff I’m going to cover next week in my “From Flash to iPhone” workshop at Flash on Tap, and I started getting into how an iPhone app launches when you tap its icon. It might … Continue reading

Posted in Brevity, Extensibility, iPhone, Objective C | 7 Comments

openFrameworks and iPhone

I just had a comment from someone at, and the links were cool enough that I’ll just share the whole comment. Definitely looks worth checking out: Hey, you’re posts on cocoa are great and very useful, and cocos2d looks … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 4 Comments