Category Archives: Objective C

SWFSheet – create sprite sheets from SWFs

[EDIT: Just released a beta of SWFSheet 1.1 here:] [EDIT: Version 1.1 final released:] SWFSheet is a program I created in most of a day back in late December. I finally polished it up this week and it’s … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, General, iPhone, Objective C, Silverlight, Technology, Windows Phone 7 | 56 Comments

Good bye 2010

As usual, it’s time to make my year end post. I’ll keep it relatively brief. A few changes this year. This spring, I got kind of fed up with Apple, their control-happy policies, and the general direction they are heading. … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, General, iPhone, Objective C, Silverlight, Technology, Windows Phone 7 | 8 Comments

Another year…

For the past few years, I’ve posted a review of the previous year and a look to the coming year. So, I’ll do it again. 2009 was a very interesting year. Like this year, last year I had a whole … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, General, iPhone, Objective C, Technology | 6 Comments

Frameworks vs. Toolkits

Today on Twitter, Robert Penner posted a couple of really interesting links… and This got me in a researchy mood about inheritance vs. composition, and I dug up this great series of interviews with Erich Gamma (one of … Continue reading

Posted in ActionScript, Flash, Objective C | 29 Comments

iPhone Dev: The Honeymoon is Over.

Last December, I had a bunch of unused vacation time and took a couple weeks off, stayed at home, and learned me some iPhone dev. I submitted my first iPhone application in January and I was hooked. I now have … Continue reading

Posted in Flash, iPhone, Objective C | 27 Comments

Skinning UIKit (iPhone) Sliders

In my recently released app, Wire Draw (which you can read more about here) I wanted to create a color picker to allow the users to choose the colors of lines. Unfortunately there isn’t a color picker control in UIKit. … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 7 Comments

Falling Balls rewrite

This is what I’ve been up to:

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 1 Comment

Memory Allocation for the budding Objective-C programmer

… or, “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love malloc” OK, here’s a scenario: You have a whole crapload of ints, or floats, or even CGPoints or CGRects. You need to hang onto these things and use them later. … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 20 Comments

XCode tips

[Note, XCode 3.2 did away with the Errors and Warnings Smart Group. 🙁 Its functionality is now moved to the Build Results Window. I’ll probably write an update to this whole setup soon.] After a few months of working with … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 9 Comments

Objective-C Memory Management tip o' the day

Still getting used to this whole memory management thing. I thought I had it pretty much squared away, but just ran into a spot where I got complacent and let a bunch get by me. I’ve been working mostly with … Continue reading

Posted in iPhone, Objective C | 5 Comments